Working With Us
We've learned that the hardest thing to do is keep things simple. Especially with creative projects. To reign in the chaos, we've made this little cheat page about interfacing with us so we keep things organized and on-track.
Our responsibility includes trying to produce the best creative project we can, on time, on budget, under duress, completely error free.
Your responsibility includes trying to help that process along. The best projects happen when everyone is in sync. Don't assume anything. We are many things, often at once, but one thing we are not are mystics or diviners. We need clear instructions on artwork and deadlines or things quickly get offtrack. By 'offtrack' we mean expensive or stressful, or both.
Yes, there's too much of it. So we use group email accounts. Why? Because multiple people get the mail for faster problem solving and service.
If we are working on a printed project we will be sending you proofs and correspondence from – that’s our group email account.
If we are working on a web/multimedia project we will be sending you updates and correspondence from – that’s our group email account.
If you project has a project number cc pushes the email right into the software that we use to manage projects.
When we bill, we send invoices from – that’s our group email account. Our system sends reminder on past due accounts at 30 days.
Proofing is done through an online app we use. you will get a link from the app and it will take you to your proof.
Thank you,