We recently completed the design and production of a 36 page cookbook for the Alberta Pulse Growers Commission. If you are not familiar with what Pulses are, neither were we! It turns out pulses are legumes.
Based in Leduc, Alberta Pulse Growers Commission is a non-profit organization that supports over 5,000 Alberta farmers who grow pulses, including dried peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans and faba beans. Through a refundable levy based on 1 per cent of pulses sold in the province, Alberta Pulse Growers conducts research, administrative, marketing, and extension activities on behalf of our members. With five zones, six staff, and a farmer-elected Board of 12 Directors, Alberta Pulse Growers promotes the benefits of including pulses in a sustainable crop rotation and in a healthy diet through research and marketing initiatives, all in an effort to increase the sustainability and profitability of pulse production in Alberta.
We think pulses are surprisingly good - for you and for Alberta farms – so do your part and make them part of your next meal with these tasty recipes!
To read the cookbook online in Flip Book format, click the image above or by clicking here.